They aren't confused by who they are. They know. What confuses them is how people treat them. The cruelty of adults can emotionally devastate a child who already deals with being different. Adults only hurt them with their judgements. I say, if we ain't walked in their shoes, we have no business judging who they are. I actually believe judging is best left up to God. Trust me, if He wants to send a message to them, He will. He won't need judgements made by anyone else to know who to convict or not.
Unless we are God, who are any of us to judge them. To question someone else we know nothing about? Why is it people always pick people that are different from them to judge and then bring the Bible into it to vindicate their sin of judging others? There are PLENTY of sins out there that you and I are just as guilty of and they are talked about a lot more often in the Bible than the sins of little children being different from them.
These kids know who they are. GOD CHOSE EVERY CELL IN THEIR BODIES AND HE IS PERFECT. HE CREATED THEM PERFECT JUST AS THEY ARE. Guess who used to be perfect like these kids and is not so perfect now. You.
Maybe it is because you don't want to look at the sins you commit every day. Like the sin of judging others. Oops. Forgot, what about the sin of not loving others? Lack of compassion? Empathy? How about you guys look in the mirror.
I would imagine God reads all your posts. You guys seem to be confused about how a Christian is supposed to talk and act? If you think God wants you out there attacking others with your personal judgements and do it in His name, think again.
Your comments, posts and every single thought you have, is written on God's heart. You wound him greatly. Your messages are ugly. Pray for forgiveness. You stir up negativity everytime you post something. WWJD is totally lost on you. You must be so jaded and sick at heart that you have no idea as to how Jesus would handle himself if he were you. Good luck, pal.
Have a blessed day.
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